Monday, June 30, 2008

Singapore's happiest person is..

A 35-year-old engineer was proclaimed "Singapore's Happiest Person" on Thursday for his unwavering cheer and ability to inspire similar sentiments in others.

Andy Goh, nominated by his colleagues, emerged the winner of a search that started last month to find the happiest Singaporean in the stressed-out city-state.

A poll by Grey Group, an advertising firm, found that nine out 10 people living in South-East Asia's most affluent economy acknowledged being stressed.

The grim result prompted Philip Merry, chief executive of consulting firm Global Leadership Academy, to find the happiest Singaporean. Members of the public were asked to submit nominations.

Four judges waded through the 207 entries, narrowed them down to four and announced Goh the winner at the conclusion of a two-day New Science of Happiness and Well-Being Conference and the recipient of a two-night hotel stay in the Thai resort of Phuket.

Judge John Bittleston, an author, said all of the finalists were comfortable with themselves.

Goh was deemed to have best met the criteria set by the judges, including a "happy smiling disposition, ability to be happy no matter what life presents, a strong sense of community and belonging, a consistent happiness without ups and downs and a contributor to society by bringing happiness to others."

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